Ever since ChatGPT made headlines, the creatives at BUSFAM have been in a tizzy. At the back of our minds, we’re just a little bit scared that our jobs might be at stake!
With ChatGPT doing oh-so-well on its test run, will there be any need for content writers and copywriters in the future? We wonder…!
Let’s start off by telling you that Artificial Intelligence isn’t a gimmick any longer. It’s a fully-functional, powerful, and potentially life-changing technology that gathers all the human knowledge there is into one device, then chews on it, and spews out answers for every question out there in the world. Sounds powerful, no?
Remember how DeepMind’s AlphaGo AI defeated the South Korean Go champion Kim Sedol? He retired after his 4-1 loss to the AI tool!
So the power of AI is being felt in every aspect of our lives. From games to law to medicine to marketing to elections, AI is making a lot of jobs redundant slowly and steadily.
That means this creative advertising agency’s creative members (the content writers especially) are looking at ChatGPT in the face and wondering if we’re slowly but steadily going to be replaced as well…
At first, people used to pooh-pooh the fact that Artificial Intelligence would take over creative jobs. That’s because creativity was viewed as something only humans could achieve given it was so inspired and without any methodology.
However, with the rise of AI art generators like NightCafe, DALL-E 2, and Deep Dream Generator, beautiful and realistic images began to be created. People were awe-struck at the power of AI.
Then came ChatGPT and suddenly it looked like advertising copy, blogs, social media posts, and tags would all be written by AI.
So will we be left without a job…?
There are clearly many advantages of working with Artificial Intelligence. The first one is obvious. Machines work faster and smarter than human beings. They can process vast amounts of information in the blink of an eye. Hence, artificial intelligence is really useful in advertising and marketing where fast data analysis is required. But we never thought it would touch the creative aspect of marketing that is content creation and graphic design.
But can AI be really creative? Can it think for itself and compose a picture right from the scratch? Some people think not.
Artificial Intelligence works on the principle of learning and executing. It learns a lot of stuff from human samples, and then slowly begins to mimic what it has learned. So, there isn’t any originality from the machine, just some tweaks and twists. This means that AI doesn’t come up with anything new. It just makes a version of what we have already seen.
This means that Artificial Intelligence is limited, as of now.
But only time will tell the true power of Artificial Intelligence if it can come up with something ORIGINAL as we do at BUSFAM, a premier creative advertising agency.
However, until then AI can help creatives by suggesting topic ideas, summarising information on a variety of topics, and providing creative guidelines. This way, it is a worthy collaborator and not an enemy.
Up till now, that is…
We spoke to some experts in the industry regarding this problem. They were a bit sceptical about the true expertise of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools. We even asked this question during the webinar that was held by Academy Busfam, our digital marketing institute.
The response we received from the presenter was that artificial intelligence, while powerful, couldn’t really take over the human element in creation. It might imitate the humans, sure, but come up with something original? That was nigh impossible.
Until Artificial Intelligence stops being a copycat and produces something original, there will be no fear of the technology taking over the creative jobs.
That being said, we never know which way technology will go, but the human spark? Can it really be replicated? That’s a philosophical debate for another day.
The Artificial Intelligence community is growing and insisting that creative jobs will slowly be automated. However, creative advertising agencies like ours are excited to partner with AI instead of viewing it as an enemy. We’re keen to see what the future holds for Artificial Intelligence and how we can harness its power in digital marketing.
Having said that, we appreciate the power of Artificial Intelligence in different aspects of Digital Marketing. From making the right suggestions and helping extensively in PPC campaigns, this is one powerful tool that we cannot ignore.
So, to sum up the state of affairs, Artificial Intelligence is a worthy collaborator, not an enemy. It’s a partner that can help you to create useful content, analyse what people want to read and curate content especially for them.