Nowadays, availing of any kind of service requires the user to download and install an application.
From ordering food to taking the help of government services, apps help to solve problems and make life convenient for the end user. This is why businesses gravitate towards them and choose to communicate with the end audience through the help of a convenient icon on the mobile screen.
However, apps are native applications, they are built for a particular environment like the Android or iOS environment. They have the look and feel of the particular platform that they are developed on. They can be pretty expensive to maintain and small businesses may lose out when trying to serve their clients through an app.
Enter the hybrid PWA, a website that feels like an app, to solve this problem for businesses.
Prominent web development services in India have been using native apps for a long time, however, now they are slowly transitioning to the world of progressive web apps or PWAs. Some examples of businesses transitioning to PWAs are Twitter, Uber, Spotify, and Pinterest.
So, what are these PWAs? Are they traditional websites or are they traditional apps? Let’s delve deeper into the world of Progressive Web Apps and seek to understand this unique offering.
A progressive web app is a type of application that acts as a website and as a native app. It is built using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There are plenty of advantages of a PWA since it combines the features of a website with the features of a native app. The PWA solves many problems like poor mobile UX and poor conversion rates on online stores.
Most of the web development services in India are quite familiar with the working of a PWA. However, what is the impact of a PWA on the ranking of a site? Is there any advantage?
Let’s take a look at what SEO genius Google’s John Mueller has to say.
Mueller categorically stated that there is no advantage of a progressive web application over an HTML site. He did however say that if a business made a better site using PWAs that were cleaner, faster, and gave an overall better experience, then rankings would automatically improve.
It depended on the route that the business wanted to take. If it believed PWA was right for it, it could go ahead and invest in it.
Keeping all this in mind, we should also discuss some of the benefits of PWAs that make them so popular for big businesses.
These benefits make the PWA a framework that every web development service in India should have in its repertoire.
The PWA market is expected to reach 10.77 billion dollars by 2027. From Youtube to Sephora to Starbucks and Flipkart, businesses in India and abroad are seeing the benefits of migrating to the PWA framework.
Only the future will tell whether the PWA framework has what it takes to get ordinary businesses interested in it. Is it worth the price? Is it worth the effort? Reach out to a premium web development service in India to know more.