We’re a tad too late to this debate, but still, here we are. As one of the leading creative advertising agencies, we like to hire truly creative souls as this makes our company one of the most sought-after in the city for creative work.
When we hire candidates though, we have noticed that apart from the truly creative beans, like those who went to art school and attended French class, there are also those who come from modest backgrounds like engineering, commerce, and science, who are equally capable of some creative genius! The best members of our team have no background in the arts, but thinking out of the box is something that they all learned while on the job.
So, while there may be some amount of truth to the fact that creativity is innate, it can also be learned. We believe that. Research on the topic has yielded various results, but the general consensus is that creativity can be taught. It can also be practiced at a creative advertising agency and the skills improved over time.
In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss the various aspects of creativity and how you can boost creativity.
There is no “one size fits all” in creativity. Everyone has different ways of coming up with creative solutions to the problems that confront them. At the core, creativity is a way of looking at problems from different angles and coming up with manifold solutions instead of just one.
Research has shown that creativity comes easily to children. Kids are more likely to think out of the box. They are very inquisitive by nature and they look at problems with fresh eyes. Since they haven’t been taught much, no preconceived notions exist in their brains.
The point here is that, while we can’t become children again, we can rekindle the inner child in us easily. We can look at problems with the fresh eyes of a child and with the wisdom of a sage. This combination helps practical creativity. Practical creativity is what is needed most on a job. We need creativity that is functional and applicable on the go. So, hold on to the vision of a child.
Often, bouncing ideas off each other truly helps a person get creative. When someone in a brainstorming session says or does something out of the ordinary it can trigger a flurry of thoughts in your mind. One of those thoughts could easily hit the jackpot. Research literature exists to corroborate the fact that brainstorming sessions help a lot in a creative job like advertising. Every creative advertising agency holds their own brainstorming session to come up with ideas that can change the way advertising is done.
If you feel lost as an adult seeking to be creative, here are some original ways in which you can learn creativity.
Honestly often is the best policy when it comes to creativity. You need to be completely honest with yourself and the problem at hand. When coming up with blog topics, we’re often jacked. However, admitting that you are jacked helps you to free up some space in your brain for ideas. Eventually, the ideas do come!
If you’re working in a creative job, you will require plenty of ideas at the drop of a hat. One way ideas come to mind is when you have had multiple experiences. Experiences trigger your brain to make associations, and strange associations bolster creativity.
Neuroscience says that having some greenery around you helps to trigger the brain off on its creative journey. This doesn’t mean that you keep one measly plant on your desk! Instead, have an office at your creative advertising agency that embraces Nature. It brings in freshness and helps to stimulate the brain.
Non-conforming people are often much more creative than conformists. So, nurturing a positive rebellious streak can certainly help you to be creative and come up with interesting, clever solutions.
Having self-knowledge is an important aspect of creativity. Creative persons are often comfortable in their own skins. They do not live to prove others wrong, instead, they work on themselves to be more interesting people.
In conclusion, this creative advertising agency encourages those who work in this field to explore their creativity and fulfill their job roles with passion. We believe creativity can be learned and can be effectively used in the professional field. So, get creative in small ways!